Dear Parents/Guardians, My name is Andrea Penonzek and I am your child’s Grade 2/3 Teacher. I look forward to learning with your child this year and would like to take this moment to share some information with you. Our class has the exciting opportunity of spending a week of school at Arts Commons through Campus Calgary! Our class will be attending during the week of December 9-13th. We will need 5 volunteers each day. Parents are welcome to volunteer for a single day or multiple days. Volunteers need to ensure they have a current police clearance on file at school. If you are able to volunteer please contact me as soon as possible! My classroom blog can be accessed through the school website or through the following link: Students will have designated doors that they should use to both enter and exit the school. The students of Mrs. Baker, Ms Penonzek, and Mr. Bhachu should enter and exit from the doors closes...
BWS IMPORTANT PARENT INFORMATION Dear Parents & Guardians Based on the changing provincial and local response to COVID-19, the CBE has given us direction to postpone: Evergreen Theater Performance: Friday, March 13 @ 10:15 am. CANCELLED Student-Led Conferences: Thursday, March 19th & Friday, March 20 th CANCELLED, booking system will not open. We will still be having the Scholastic book Fair, due to the directive parents will NOT able to attend, as conferences are cancelled. All CBE schools have been given direction to postpone or cancel events that include populations from other schools and/or parents or other community members, such as Parent-Teacher Interviews, celebrations of learning, drama/musical performances, dances, athletic competitions, etc. This decision is effective from Mar. 12 until the end of March break. This decision will be revisited during March break to determine whether events should be resche...
Dear Grade 2 and Grade 3 Families, We hope this message finds you healthy and safe at home. We are thinking of you and your learning and hope you stay well over Spring Break. We will have more information about what online learning will look like after Spring Break. In the meantime, CBE has created some learning resources you can access over the break. You can find those resources here: Learning at Home - Learning at Home - CBE Children are naturally curious learners and there are opportunities at home to engage their learning. This webpage offers a variety of educational ideas to support literacy, numeracy and wellness at home. This year we have been using Epic! to support student learning by giving students access to thousands of high-quality fiction and nonfiction books. Epic! Is offering remote access to families, for FREE, through the end of t...