Sept. 12th

Looking ahead to next week...
-Sept.19th Open House 4:30 to 6
-Sept. 20th no school for students

Please look for this note that was sent home today!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Grade 2/3 students are looking forward to a visit from Scientists in School. As part of our learning about rocks and minerals, students will become a geologist as they learn about geological forces while making a metamorphic rock to keep.

The cost for this workshop is $7.00. Please return payment no later than Thursday, September 19, 2019. Payment can be made in cash (exact change please) or debit through the office.

If you have any questions about our in class field trip please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher at 403 777 6259 or via email ( In accordance with Administrative Regulation 3027, “no eligible student may be denied participation on the basis of the inability to pay.” Please contact the school Principal for information on financial assistance.

The schedule for our classes is as follows:

Monday September 23 AM Bhachu
Monday September 23 PM Boyton
Tuesday September 24 AM Ashacker
Tuesday September 24 PM Baker
Wednesday September 25 AM Sanders
Wednesday September 25 PM Penonzek

Each class will need 5 volunteers to assist with activities. The field trip will be in our classroom.

Please contact your child’s teacher if you are able to volunteer in the classroom or complete the reply slip below and return it to your child’s teacher.

Grade 2/3 Team

I am able to volunteer on _________________________________ (date)

Parents Name _____________________________________________

Child’s Name ______________________________________________

Teacher ________________________________________________

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